Opps! I did it again! How has it been? 7 months?? Haha! 7 months no blog update, also 7 months since I've moved back to Miri. How time flies...

Ahhh... Miri... peaceful L.A. (Lutong Airport) beach, I always come here when I was a kid. Nait b.m.x. modified semadi nadai...
The scenery never fails to amaze me... should have brought my D60 with me... but camera handphone will do this time.
Anyways, lots of things happen during these 7 months.
Check this one out! During my early trip to Bintulu (kerja punya pasal) , since when did I open a hair salon? Ni mau lawan Senior Hair Stylist Thomas & Guys ni!
Will continue next time...